Tuesday, February 9, 2021

An Artificial Hormone-based Algorithm for Production Scheduling

Artificial hormone systems are inspired by the natural endocrine system that adjusts the metabolism of tissue cells in our body. By connecting decisions and actions in a system to the production and evaporation of artificial hormones, it is possible to create a bio-inspired self-organizing algorithm.

Application areas for such algorithms are problems with many agents to be coordinated, where existing optimization approaches come to their limit. An example of such a problem is the production of logic and power integrated circuits (ICs) in the semiconductor industry. Unlike the high-volume production of memory ICs, wafer production in the logic and power sector has a large product mix. This involves many processing steps and dynamic changes of involved machines.

Weekly workloads can involve around 100 000 operations on thousands of machines. Optimizing such a system for work in progress and flow factor is an NP-hard problem. At this size, existing dispatching rules and linear optimization methods cannot cope with the NP-hard search space, thus not optimize the entire system.

To address this issue, we have modeled a production plant as a self-organizing system of agents that interact with each other in a non-linear way. As it is common in the semiconductor industry, wafers are combined in groups of 25 pieces forming a so-called lot. In our approach, an artificial hormone systems is used to express a lot's urgency and the need for new lots at a machine type, thus providing a system using local information for optimization. The algorithm builds upon five principles, which are 

  • (i) machines produce hormone to attract lots, 
  • (ii) hormone diffuses process-upstream, 
  • (iii) incoming lots diffuse hormone, 
  • (iv) lots are prioritized by their timing, and 
  • (v) lots are attracted by hormone. 

Via these mechanisms, machines can balance their workload by pulling required lots towards them. The algorithm has been implemented and evaluated in a NetLogo simulation model. Simulation results indicate that the artificial hormone system improves around 5% for overall production time and flow factor compared to a baseline algorithm. Future work will investigate if the hormone algorithm can be used on top of existing production systems. In a productive system an improvement of 5% would be highly notable.

More information can be found on the SWILT project webpage and in the paper

Wilfried Elmenreich, Alexander Schnabl, and Melanie Schranz. An artificial hormone-based algorithm for productionscheduling from the bottom-up. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. SciTePress, February 2021.

Click triangle for Bibtex entry
  author = {Elmenreich, Wilfried and Schnabl, 
    Alexander and Schranz, Melanie},
  title = {An artificial hormone-based algorithm
    for production scheduling from the bottom-up},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th International 
    Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence},
  year = {2021},
  month = feb,
  publisher = {SciTePress}

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