Monday, November 26, 2012

Advent Programming Contest

Welcome, Advent Programmers!
An Advent calendar is a special calendar used to count or celebrate the days in anticipation of Christmas. Advent calendars typically begin on December 1 and provide a window to open until December 24. Usually they have windows, which you can open each day containing some chocolate or other stuff. But what is better to kill some time until Christmas, Hanukkah, Yule, Kwanzaa, Diwali, Boxing Day, etc. than an Advent calendar giving you a programming problem every day?

The Advent Programming Contest, being organized by the newly formed IEEE Student Branch Klagenfurt will provide a new problem every day from December 1st to December 24th. You can submit solutions any day until the contest ends on December 26. You can choose to use C, C++, Java, Python or Perl as programming language. The programming tasks can be solved with short programs (typically less than 100 lines of code). Until a solution is correct you can submit your program as often as you want (but please don't spam our server). The number of tries will not be a criterion for determining your score. The idea is to do it just for fun, but we will try to announce a winner after the contest is closed.

The event is open to everyone as long as our server can handle the load. There are separate categories for pupils, university students and others.

If you want to participate, please register at
This is an individuals competition, not a team contest - be fair!
(Registration will be still possible after 1st December)

See also: Sixth IEEE Xtreme Programming Contest: Bunnies in the Forest


  1. On what bases will be the winner announced? Number of solved tasks or time is also a factor? I am asking since new problems are released at midnight when I should be already sleeping :)

    1. Number of solved tasks will be the primary criterion for determining the winner. Time will be used only as a secondary criterion.

  2. will some sort of certificates (pdf certificates will do) be made available to all active coders??

    1. There will be some prices and certificates for the best coders.

  3. I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm just wondering when (and where – this blog?) the winning entrant will be announced, and whether the ranking of the entrants is likely to change between now and the announcement of the winning entrant?

    (I'd like to post about this contest, and post the source code to my submissions for this contest, on my blog, but I'd rather wait if my ranking is likely to change…)

  4. Results see

  5. The award ceremony for the Advent Programming Contest 2012 will take place February 5, 2013 at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, HS 3. Everybody is cordially invited!
