Friday, December 1, 2023
A Slime Mold Algorithm for Repairing a Power Transmission Network after an Electromagnetic Pulse Attack
After an extensive journey of in-depth exploration, spanning literature review, hypothesis formulation, modeling, implementation, and many weeks of simulation, Kristina Wogatai proudly presented her paper, "A Graph-Based Approach for Applying Biologically-Inspired Slime Mold Algorithms for Repairing a Power Transmission Network after an Electromagnetic Pulse Attack," at the 2nd International Conference on Power Systems and Electrical Technology (PSET) in Milan, Italy, held from August 25th to 27th, 2023. The paper, authored by Kristina Wogatai, Johannes Winkler, and Wilfried Elmenreich, explores how to apply slime mold algorithms to restore power grids after an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack.
Our proposed method intricately utilized a simulated slime mold algorithm on graph models to pinpoint critical repair areas, drawing inspiration from how slime molds construct networks between food sources. These single-celled organisms, known for their intelligent swarm behavior, have inspired algorithms addressing optimization problems and the creation of efficient transportation networks. Our open-source algorithm, SISMO (Simulation of Slime Molds), has contributed to this work.
Adapting the SISMO algorithm for connecting power stations and plants required overcoming challenges, such as incorporating geographic or demographic criteria for power line placement. Initially provided only with the positions of power stations, we addressed this problem by leveraging graph visualization algorithms like Force Atlas, Force Atlas2, and Yifan-Hu to modify the layout and thus communicate these parameters to the algorithm effectively.
Our efforts did not go unnoticed, as Kristina received the Best Oral Presentation Award at the conference, emphasizing the paper's quality and the significance of its findings in power network restoration.
For further information, check out the paper
Kristina Wogatai, Johannes Winkler, and Wilfried Elmenreich. A Graph-Based Approach for Applying Biologically-Inspired Slime Mold Algorithms for Repairing a Power Transmission Network after an Electromagnetic Pulse Attack. In Proc. 2023 2nd International Conference on Power Systems and Electrical Technology (PSET 2023), Milan, Italy, August 25-27, 2023.
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
Bottom-Up Bio-Inspired Algorithms for Optimizing Industrial Plants
Scheduling in a production plant with a high product diversity is an NP-hard problem. In large plants, traditional optimization methods reach their limits regarding computational time. In this paper, we use inspiration from two bio-inspired optimization algorithms, namely, the artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm and the bat algorithm, and apply them to the job shop scheduling problem. Unlike previous work using these algorithms for global optimization, we do not apply them to solutions in the solution space, though, but rather choose a bottom-up approach and apply them as literal swarm intelligence algorithms. We use the example of a semiconductor production plant and map the bees and bats to actual entities in the plant (lots, machines) using agent-based modeling using the NetLogo simulation platform. These agents then interact with each other and the environment using local rules from which the global behavior – the optimization of the industrial plant – emerges. We measure performance compared to a baseline algorithm using engineered heuristics (FIFO, fill fullest batches first). Our results show that these types of algorithms, employed bottom-up, show promise of performance improvements using only low-effort local calculations.
Our newest research paper builds upon the simulation framework presented in
![]() |
Asking Question at ICAART Panel Session |
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Paper presentation at ICAART'23 |
M. Umlauft, M. Gojkovic, K. Harshina and M. Schranz: Bottom-Up Bio-Inspired Algorithms for Optimizing Industrial Plants, Proceedings of ICAART 2023, ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1, doi:10.5220/0011693400003393
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
They say the best way to learn is by doing, but sometimes the best way is to automate!
Ah, the version control system git. We've all been there, typing out commands to push a new commit to the server, trying to remember which is which. For example to update the remote repository with your local changes, I use the git pull, add, commit and push commands in sequence. This will ensure that the remote repository is up-to-date with the local repository. Well, I had enough of it. I decided to take matters into my own hands and wrote a script that I named 'gits'. It's just a one-liner that does the steps of git pull, git add, git commit and git push for me, without all the hassle of having to type each paticular command. The commit message is given as argument to gits, if I forget about it, the script puts the number of changed files there as a placeholder.
@echo off
:: Batch script to commit and push your git changes
:: and quickly resolve conflicts
:: by Wil
:: March 2023 V0.21
:: The script has the decency to ask before adding new files
:: If an argument is given, this is used as the commit message
:: otherwise a generic commit message is generated
for /F "delims=#" %%E in ('"prompt #$E# & for %%E in (1) do rem "') do set "ESCchar=%%E"
set "red=%ESCchar%[91m"
set "green=%ESCchar%[92m"
set "yellow=%ESCchar%[93m"
set "magenta=%ESCchar%[95m"
set "cyan=%ESCchar%[96m"
set "white=%ESCchar%[97m"
set "black=%ESCchar%[30m"
set "nocolor=%ESCchar%[0m"
set "bold=%ESCchar%[1m"
::stage modifications and deletions
set countmodified=0
for /f %%C in ('git ls-files -m') do set /A countmodified=!countmodified!+1
if NOT "!countmodified!"=="0" (
git add -u
set /A total=!countmodified!
for /f %%C in ('git diff --cached --numstat') do set /A total=!total!+1
::check if there are untracked (new) files
set countnew=0
for /f %%C in ('git ls-files . --exclude-standard --others') do set /A countnew=!countnew!+1
if NOT "!countnew!"=="0" (
git ls-files . --exclude-standard --others
echo There are !countnew! files, should they be added?
CHOICE /C asx /M "Press [A] for adding the files, [S] for skipping without and [X] for exiting this script."
exit /b
git add .
set /A total=!total!+!countnew!
if "!total!"=="0" (
echo Nothing to do!
) else (
if "%1"=="" (
git commit -m "updated !total! files"
) else (
git commit -m "%*"
git pull
git push
set conflicts=0
set unsolved=0
for /f %%C in ('git ls-files -u ^| cut -f 2 ^| sort ^|uniq') do (
set cff=%%C
git checkout --theirs !cff!
git add !cff!
git checkout --ours !cff!
git add !cff!
set /A unsolved=!unsolved!+1
exit /b
set /A conflicts=!conflicts!+1
if !unsolved! GTR 0 (
echo There are still %red%!conflicts! files%nocolor% in conflict.
exit /b
if !conflicts! GTR 0 (
git commit -m "merged conflicted files"
git push
exit /b
echo|set /p="File %red%!cff!%nocolor% is in conflict "
CHOICE /C dtosx /M "(show [D]iff, use [T]heirs, use [O]urs, [S]kip file, e[X]it script)"
git diff !cff!
The Windows .bat code is a script for committing and pushing git changes, with the ability to quickly resolve conflicts. It sets up some color codes for the text output and checks for modifications, deletions, and untracked (new) files. It then adds the files to be committed and either uses an argument given to the script as the commit message, or a generic commit message. It then pulls, pushes, and checks for conflicts. If conflicts are present, it provides the user with the option to view a diff, select a version of the file, skip the file, or exit the script. If conflicts are resolved, the script commits the merged files and pushes them.
![]() |
gits in action. Here it found files not added to the repo yet and proposes to add them, to do the commit without adding them or to stop the script |
Thursday, March 9, 2023
Discovering New Ways to Navigate: A Swarm Intelligence-Based Robotic Search Algorithm Integrated with Game Theory
Robotics has come a long way in the last few decades, and we continue to see innovations in the field as researchers seek to improve robotic search algorithms. Recently, researchers have proposed a decentralize and asynchronous swarm robotic search algorithm integrated with game theory to better disperse robots in the environment while crossing obstacles and solving mazes. This prevents early convergence and improves the efficiency of the searches.
In the proposed algorithm, individual robots, while searching, play a sequential game at each iteration, and based on that, choose their velocity update rule. This strategic game works well in search environments with different levels of complexity and especially improves search efficiency further in complex environments. In the target problem, since the environment is unknown, it is not possible to preplan a path to the target. And there is no difference between static and dynamic obstacles, as the robots cannot distinguish them. Thus, in the proposed method, passing and avoiding obstacles are synchronized with the target searching.
![]() |
Example of a maze-like complex environment and its mapping to a fitness function |
The simulation results showed that, following the proposed algorithm, robots disperse well in search environments, and therefore search speed increases by up to 24% and attended path length to target lessens by up to 23.5% in complex search environments. Also, the proposed algorithm has a success rate equal to the state-of-the-art, which is 100% in all of the tested environments.
For more details check out the paper:
Khalil Alrahman
Youssefi Darmian, Modjtaba Rouhani, Habib Rajabi Mashhadi, and Wilfried
swarm intelligence-based robotic search algorithm integrated with game
Applied Soft Computing, 122, 4 2022.
Robotics is an exciting and ever-evolving field, and this new algorithm shows us the potential of swarm intelligence-based robotic search algorithms. We look forward to seeing more innovations in this area as researchers continue to explore new ways to navigate.